#UsToo: implicit bias, meritocracy and the plight of black minority leaders in healthcareJamiu O Busari11 October 2019
Lessons for leadership and culture when doctors become second victims: a systematic literature reviewDonna Willis, Joanna Yarker, Rachel Lewis24 June 2019
Physicians as leaders: are we trying to fit square pegs into round holes?Anthony Montgomery11 October 2018
On the paradox of ‘Dichotomous’ and ‘Deficit-Based’ thinking in medicineJames K Stoller28 September 2018
Finding a path to growth as a leader: a medical learner perspectiveDavid A Benrimoh, Jordan D Bohnen, Justin N Hall2 May 2018
Review of determinants of national medical leadership developmentWouter Keijser, Max Poorthuis, Judith Tweedie, Celeste Wilderom18 November 2017