Thank you to our reviewers
BMJ Leader would like publicly to thank and acknowledge everyone listed below who has served as a reviewer on the Journal during 2024. Below is a personal message from the Editor in Chief, Dr James Mountford, to all who have reviewed for BMJ Leader this year:
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BMJ Leader’s mission is to improve the results and experience delivered by health and care systems for their patients, populations and workforces. To deliver on this, we help to build better leaders – people who are rounded, resilient and equipped with effective leadership skills and knowledge.
In all this, you as Reviewers are key. What you contribution improve the quality of what is published, helping create real world impact. It may seem far off as you navigate ScholarOne late at night, but a chain connects what reviewers do to to patients getting better care, populations being healthier, and people working in health systems having a better experience at work.
There are many of you: we have grown from 49 people reviewing for BMJLeader in 2019 to 244 this year. We know this is done alongside your other commitments and while it is not the best rewarded or the most glamorous role, itis essential for advancing our knowledge and debate toward our purpose.
A year ago, to highlight the importance of reviewing, we published an editorial setting out why reviewers and reviewing matters: Here, we outline a range of ideas for ways in which we think BMJLeader can better support reviewers, and—we hope—set out why a greater range of people can usefully be reviewers: diversity and inclusion matter also in reviewing. From this editorial and from input from yourselves, we re looking to introduce several changes which we hope will help: clearer reviewer instructions, offering reviewer training and trying where we can to give back to you as reviewers through access benefits.
We never stop listening, learning and trying to improve. So we are always keen to hear from you with any ideas and suggestions you have: please contact me ( or Rachel Gemine from the editor team who is leading our reviewer work (
All health systems move fast, are increasingly challenged and benefit from evidence and debate about what works. It’s in this context I want to thank you all for your contribution in 2024. We hope you will continue to support BMJ Leader in 2025, and wish you a very happy year ahead.
Rawan Abu Mughli
Nigel Acheson
Nebil Achour
Emma Adams
Sondos Al Sad
Jackeline Alger
Hatem H. Alsaqqa
Zahra Amrollah Majdabadi
Matthew Anderson
Sharon Anderson
Lena Ansmann
Kirsten Armit
Doyin Atewologin
Anita Atwal
Suzie Bailey
David Baker
Roland Bal
Helen Balsdon
Shashika Bandara
Erin Barry
Tim Bashford
D. Belias
Creavin Ben
Leonard Berry
Janet Bezner
Julia Blitz
Nicola Blythe
Sara Bolton
Anusheela Brahmachary
Louise Bramley
Charlie Brown
Zoe Brummell
Jamiu Busari
Clare Cable
Giulia Cappellaro
Marianna Cavazza
Naomi Chambers
Cynthia Chan
Daisy Chung
Donna Chung
Vanessa Coelho
Amelia Compagni
Amanda Condon
William O. Cooper
Joseph Crawford
Jo Cripps
Cath Crock
Julie Davies
Joshua Davis
Eman Dawood
Mark Dayan
Eve Deck
Jane Desborough
Nina Deutsch
Michael Dewsnap
Dilantha Dharmagunawardene
Karin Diaconu
Helen Dickinson
Graham Dickson
Kate Dobson
Ashti Doobay-Persaud
Colin Douglas
Megan D. Douglas
Nicola Eddison
Giovanni Fattore
Lucia Ferrara
Helena Filipe
T Flood
Michelle Foster
Jan Frich
Claudia Gabbioneta
Andrew Garman
Jaason Geerts
Vincent Geukers
Giorgio Giacomelli
Carley Gibbens
Ruth Glassborow
Amanda Goodall
Amy Gottlieb
M. Elise Graham
Katherine Grailey
Lisa Graves
Pål Gulbrandsen
Namrata Gupta
Anne Marie Hadley
Efua Hagan
Rachel Hall-Clifford
Jena Hall
Nada Hamad
Rafat Hammad
Josie Harding
Nick Harding
Joshua Hartzell
Eleanor Harvey
Alan Hasanic
Waseem Hassan
Arvid Steinar Haugen
Evelyne Hitti
Gretchen Hoelscher
Erik Hofmeister
Maxine Holmqvist
Catherine Homer
Joseph Hopkins
Wayne Hsueh
Tan Hussain
Rexhep Hysenagolli
Leeberk Inbaraj
Liam Jackman
Carolyn Jackson
Melissa James
Elizabeth Jarpe-Ratner
Lesley Jones
Marta Jóns Hjördísardóttir
Marissa Joseph
Indra Joshi
Naman Julka Anderson
Axel Kaehne
Gurpreet Kalra
Partha Kar
Michelle C. Kegler
Hisham Kelendar
Gerry Kerr
Sahar Keyvanloo
Nagina Khan
Sondos Kholoki
Harry Kingsley-Smith
Alan Kolp
Jacobus Kotze
Zisis Kozlakidis
Inge Kristensen
Yiannis Kyratsis
Emmeline Lagunescordoba
Diana M. Lautenberger
Paul Lawrence
Peter Lees
Christy Lemak
Francesca Loberto
Jocelyn Lockyer
Kiki Lombarts
Paul Long
Joseph Lui
Oscar Lyons
Viviana Mangiaterra
Kim Manley
Samantha Marin
Graeme Martin
Shirley Masterson-Ng
Gabrielle Mathews
Shawn Mathis
Alan Mcglennan
Shivangi Medhi
Laura Mizzi
Masoud Mohammadnezhad
Sarah Morgan
Jess Morley
Hilary Morris
Andrew Moscrop
Rachael Moses
James Mountford
Kaveshin Naidu
Karandeep Nandra
Viviane Nasr
Nisanth Nedungalaparambil
Amit Nigam
Patricia Oyetakin
George Panayiotou
Divyansh Panesar
Fei Chau Pang
Emma Pascale Blakey
Shazia Patel
Sheryl-Kay Patel
Vijay Pereira
Kathryn Perera
Tracy Porter
Andy Potts
Clare Price-Dowd
Nathan Proudlove
Huilian Qiu
Dr Neelamani Rajapaksa Hewageegana
Peter Rea
Mark Redhead
Sarah Rees
Franco Rizzuti
Julie Roberts
Andrea Rotolo
Toby Rowland
Nima Roy
Asiah Ruffin
Matthew Sakumoto
Eduardo Salas
John Sandars
Mairi Savage
Anurag Saxena
Antoinette Schoenthaler
Peter Scolding
Tarun Sen Gupta
Amar Shah
Jenny Shand
Mark Shipley
Aditi Siddharth
Geoffrey Silvera
Sara J. J. Singer
Ankit Singh
David Sipos
Katie Smith
Iain Snelling
Manmohan Sodhi
Lebene Soga
Amrik Sohal
Peter Spurgeon
Miriam Stanyon
Catherine Stoddart
James Stoller
Kathleen Sutcliffe
Nigel Tai
Helena Teede
Tim Tenbensel
Jack Tillotson
Rachel Tindall
Aleksandra Torbica
Bethan Treadgold
Sue Truman
Alison Tweed
Finn Tysoe
Milena Vainieri
Andrew Valeras
Eivind Valestrand
Nikhil Vasdev
Hester Wain
Sarah Walpole
Yuming Wang
Cindy Watts
Andrew Weyman
Justin Whatling
Helen White
Rajiv Wijesuriya
Samuel Wilson
Clayton Wisely
Avivah Wittenburg-Cox
Mohsin Yakub
Rammina Yassaie
Charlotte Yong-Hing
Ahtisham Younas